About the Recipe
Every morning, I have two non-negotiables: my breathwork practice then a big, yummy mug of cacao.
Cacao has become a very prominent healing medicine in my life, she certainly took me by surprise and has such a beautiful and nurturing spirit.
However, there is a really important delineation here and that is the type of cacao we choose. We’ve probably all had the experience of popping down to the local grocery store and making a ‘hot chocolate’ using commercial grade cacao, only to wonder what the hype is and why it doesn’t taste all that great…
I can say wholeheartedly that until I did my homework and tried a few different suppliers of cacao, I was totally unaware of the difference in taste, texture and bitterness. My current favourite is a Mexican ceremonial grade cacao, sourced from SOMA (online). This blend is organic and sustainably harvested by a family in Mexico who have a generational history working with cacao. It’s chocolatey, super creamy and completely heart-warming.
On workdays, I use a 2 tablespoon dose to keep me focussed and on track. Unlike coffee, cacao doesn’t come with a crash or ‘caffeine fatigue’ that we sometimes get. I find that it helps carry me through the day with a clear mind and open heart.
On weekends or times where I am settling into meditation, yoga or ceremony, I will use 3 tablespoons.
As cacao can be quite stimulating, using the high-quality blends may be better left as a morning treat so as to avoid a sleepless night (tested and true in my case).
Cacao also makes for a fantastic coffee alternative!
High quality cacao
2 tablespoons (creative / focus dose)
3 tablespoons (ceremonial / meditation dose)
1 cup of plant-based milk (I like to use organic oat milk, you can also dilute with filtered water)
Pinch of cayenne pepper
½-1 teaspoon honey or agave (adjust to your preference)
Add other herbs / ingredients to taste and experiment (e.g.: rose petals/buds – a personal favourite, cinnamon, vanilla bean, chamomile flowers, medicinal mushroom powder blend)
Add all ingredients to a small saucepan and slowly heat on a stovetop (heating on the stove instead of a microwave will help retain the yummy goodness and nutrients in this blend)
Whisk the blend as it heats up, ensure you do not bring to the boil
Once the blend is sufficiently warmed, strain (if desired) and pour into your favourite mug
Take a moment of gratitude, enjoy the big warm cacao hug!